Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Are The Risk Factors For Male Infertility?

The history of genital infection is one of the risk factors that is related to male infertility. It is contact during sexual intercourse. The symptom at first is very severe but becomes less severe as the attack lingers. The worst part of it is that some people may never know that they are a victim to this genital infection because the pain may be severe in one side of the spectrum but less in the other.

Testicular trauma is also another risk factor that is related to male infertility. It causes severe pain, swelling, bruising etc. The testes been made up of spongy material in most cases can absorb the shock of an injury without damages. But in the case of testicular rupture where the testicle receives a direct blow or is squeezed against the hard bones of the pelvis, it causes blood to leak in the scrotum thereby causing rupture and severe pain which may lead to infertility. Surgery is the best option for this infertility factor.

The history of precocious puberty is an unusual puberty that sets in earlier than supposed, process of sexual maturity that triggered by the brain in late childhood. This occurs when there is abnormal development or as a result of exposure of abnormal hormone and it is one of those risk factors that affect male fertility.

Other risk factors that causese infertility may arise due to exposure to toxic substances, job hazards, heavy smoking (Cigarette or marijuana), heavy consumption of alcohol, exposure of the genitals to a very high temprature etc.

In conclusion, most of the men/boys who have mumps after puberty use to develop swelling of t he testes on one side but occasionally it appears in both sides. It comes with high fever and pains and this may lead to infertility in male.

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