Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Are The Risk Factors For Male Infertility?

The history of genital infection is one of the risk factors that is related to male infertility. It is contact during sexual intercourse. The symptom at first is very severe but becomes less severe as the attack lingers. The worst part of it is that some people may never know that they are a victim to this genital infection because the pain may be severe in one side of the spectrum but less in the other.

Testicular trauma is also another risk factor that is related to male infertility. It causes severe pain, swelling, bruising etc. The testes been made up of spongy material in most cases can absorb the shock of an injury without damages. But in the case of testicular rupture where the testicle receives a direct blow or is squeezed against the hard bones of the pelvis, it causes blood to leak in the scrotum thereby causing rupture and severe pain which may lead to infertility. Surgery is the best option for this infertility factor.

The history of precocious puberty is an unusual puberty that sets in earlier than supposed, process of sexual maturity that triggered by the brain in late childhood. This occurs when there is abnormal development or as a result of exposure of abnormal hormone and it is one of those risk factors that affect male fertility.

Other risk factors that causese infertility may arise due to exposure to toxic substances, job hazards, heavy smoking (Cigarette or marijuana), heavy consumption of alcohol, exposure of the genitals to a very high temprature etc.

In conclusion, most of the men/boys who have mumps after puberty use to develop swelling of t he testes on one side but occasionally it appears in both sides. It comes with high fever and pains and this may lead to infertility in male.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What You Need To Know About Other Causes Of Male Infertility

In my previous posts, I mentioned most of the inherited causes of infertility in a man but apart from these inherited ones, there are other causes of infertility.
One thing is important concerning the inherited or genetic causes. This is that men who have genetic problems which cause their infertility, such as a deletion in the Y chromosome, can pass this problem to their sons, who would also have infertility, if they decide to use their own sperm to achieve pregnancy.

Chromosomal abnormalities is also one of the causes of male infertility in the sense that any man with extra X chromosome do produce very low quantity of sperm or don not even produce sperm at all let alone to pregnant a woman. Furthermore, deletion in the Y chromosome causes infertility no matter how little the quantity deleted is.

In other words, sex reversal syndrome is also one of the causes of male infertility meanwhile a man that has female genetic sex chromosomes (XX) instead of XY results to other things and will not be able to perform his duty. Sickle cell disease though and inherited condition affects the production of normal hemoglobin for fertility.

Other inherited conditions not mentioned in the previous post are hemochomatosis, this affects iron storage. Any man with this has testicular dysfunction. Myotonic dystrophy, this is an inherited condition that progresses to infertility under abnormal sperm production. And androgen receptor gene mutatuions, in this case a man genetically is complete but has infertility because of a defect in receptors for testosterone.

Other disease like liver, renal disease may cause infertility too. But other factors may arise from the defective delivery of sperm into a woman’s genital tract and this may be caused by premature ejaculation of impotency.

Friday, September 21, 2007

What Are The Causes of Male Infertility

There are many causes of male infertility which are seen more commonly than others though the minor ones are still terror to a man’s happiness but the top causes of man’s infertility are in majority listed as more common among infertility in men.

Thus Sperm disorder is one of the most common causes of infertility in a man meanwhile it creates problems with the production and maturation of sperm thereby making the sperm to be abnormal in shape, immature and unable to move properly. It also causes normal sperm to be produced in an abnormal way, to be low in number or seemingly not at all. This type of problem may be caused by infections, hormonal disorder, environmental factor and some genetic diseases which can be directly or indirectly.

Secondly, Cystic Fibrosis is also a common disease that causes infertility in a man with or without mild sinus problem. It is hereditary by nature and involves the pancreas and the lung, which means that people involved in this kind of problem were born without vas deferens. Noonan syndrome is also another inherited condition that can cause abnormal testicular function in a man.

Thirdly, the obstruction of the genital tract causes infertility by total or partial blocking of the flow of seminal fluid. Some of these abnormalities may be present at birth or manifest as a result of a genetic disorder. Also, infection causes obstruction to the genital tract.

There are other factors that may arise from the inability of delivery of sperm into the female genital tract, which could be caused by impotence or premature ejaculation. But Mitochondria are said to be a structure that is in the cell responsible for energy production. It was discover that there are set genes in this mitochondria which is quite separate from the normal chromosome and if tempered with causes infertility in the life of a man.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Am I Affected By Infertility?

The ability to conceive is easy for some couples but heard for others, can we say that God is partial. He is not, it just that the necessary things that are needed to be done are neglected. The question from your mind may be how do these necessary things look like?

It is been noted that in every marriage the woman is always blamed when couples are faced with the situation of infertility. In case you are not aware that a man can be infertile, know it now that a man can be a contributing cause if not the soul cause of infertility.

If you as a man cannot produce a healthy sperm that is able to fertilize a woman’s egg, you don’t need anybody to tell you that you are affected by infertility. A man being the head of the family always have that ego, even when the doctor finally diagnosed that the cause of infertility is from you, you still deny it, some will not even like their wife see the report neither to contribute. As desperate man, you need to face your problem and not to shy away from it.

Furthermore, the problem of production of sperm is the most common causes of male infertility. This occurs when your sperm is not mature, unable to move properly and also abnormal in shape. In the other hand, your sperm may be normally produced but may come out in low numbers or even not at all.

You should not panic when you noticed that your sperm is abnormal, just have in mind that you are affected by infertility, that every problem has a cause. Check our next post for the causes of abnormal sperm and infertility itself.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Male Infertility Issues And Cure

Infertility can be defined as inability to conceive after one full year of normal, regular heterosexual intercourse without the use of contraception. In other words, it is the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse, or the inability of the woman to carry a pregnancy to live birth.

Male infertility causes the inability of delivering adequate quantity of normal sperm (low sperm count) to the woman’s vagina which is unable to fertilize the egg. It is the condition that interferes with the male reproductive organ that makes the man less fertile.

But in this issue, we are not referring to female infertility but male. In this case, male infertility can be defined as the disease of male reproductive system which hinders the ability to perform reproductive function or inability to produce normal sperm for fertility. Though conception seems to be simple and natural but its process depends on proper function of many factors which is full of complications.

For a fertile couple that is having regular unprotected sex, the chances of conception in every menstrual cycle is 25% though most couples conceive within one year of unprotected sex. In every marriage that experiences infertility, it is always the woman’s concern while the male is the contributing cause.

Most of the couples with infertility problem have no definite or identifiable cause of their infertility after medical investigation; some have more than one factor that causes their inability to conceive. As you go in details, you will find what these factors are all about and how you should go about it.

In conclusion, infertility should not be just a woman's concern. It should be seen as a problem that the male is the sole cause, or may be a contributing cause, in any infertile couples. This is because when a man’s sperm is not in good shape or if the sperm is not up to the normal count (low sperm count), problems erupts and other factors may be the sole cause. Watch out for these factors in the next post.
